Traveling the world is very simple when you have an advisor

The most important thing is to have the advice of specialists

At Gaia Travel Network we have agreements with specialist professionals around the world.

Traveling the World for the First Time?

How long?

After “How much does it cost?”, the most frequently asked question is, how much time should I spend in each city?

Let’s say you have 2 or 3 weeks of vacation. That is extremely tiring, causing the trip to lose its initial purpose and stop being pleasant.

So based on the total time of your trip, with professional operators, it is simpler than you think.

Gaia Travel Network
Gaia Travel Network


divide it so that you spend a minimum of 2 nights in each city

The fewer cities you visit, the more pleasant the trip will be. I recommend that you do the following:

Make a list of the countries you would like to visit and then the cities of each of them. From that list choose only 3 countries, those that are your dream and you cannot miss, then count two days minimum per city and check if it fits in the total time of your trip, otherwise you will have to reduce said list.

Why do I emphasize this? Because the more you want to see, the less you will enjoy it; At the end of the day you will only be taking photos of everything and everything and when you return home many of those photos you will not even know where they were taken.

Preferably, in some cities you can consider 3 days of accommodation because you have to take into account the transfers, which we will talk about later, since practically half a day or the full day is lost in transfers.

What to pack?

For whatever you want, pack light.

I understand that if it is your first trip you want to take your entire wardrobe to look gorgeous in your photos, but if it is your first International trip, let me tell you that luggage is a headache.

If you travel by low-cost airlines, a large piece of luggage can mean almost double the price of the ticket, so pack everything so that it fits in a carry-on and does not exceed 10kg. You have two options for how to carry it:

  • Backpack

In my case I travel with a backpack that weighs 11kg and a small one that weighs 2-3kg. But keep in mind that my trip is around the world. You can perfectly achieve it, the backpack gives you a lot of flexibility since it is easy to carry everywhere and if you compress it well it fits into any size established for carry on.

  • Suitcase

You can opt for a suitcase that does not exceed the size established for carry on, it is worth mentioning that each airline has its own policy, so double check your means of transportation which airlines you are going to take and check their measurements so that you do not spend a Bad time and you have to pay more at check-in.

Gaia Travel Network

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